Your Dog's Desire List

Mandatory education/training can be a challenge. Because learning is hard if it’s something you did not choose!

Dogs like people need a reason to do sometime (ROI). We all do things that are desirable or benefit us in some way. So does your dog! Because it’s almost impossible to teach a person or dog against their will.

Know what your dog considers rewarding and in what order of preference. e.g. rank praise, touch, food, toys, play, and activities.

- Reward Ranking: Okay, Good, Better, Best, and Bestest*. (*Bestest can be found in the dogs’ dictionary)

Does your dog only listen if you have a treat? If you want to achieve control & cooperation, not submission from your dog, get started today with our online course “On The Right Track” so you and your dog can have a more abundant life!

You’re already training; the question is, are you going to get better at it?

Glenn Massie